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The Audit


Once you have registered to become a Secured Environment you will be able to create a username and password to access the secure area of the Secured Environments website. On here you can find a range of useful information to help you meet the criteria including:

  • full details of the six principles and the criteria required to receive the accreditation
  • case study examples of organisations that have already been through the process
  • websites providing a range of useful information on how to respond to crime and disorder and security issues
  • reasonable support via email and telephone from our team of dedicated advisors to answer any queries you may have as well as offer support to help you meet the criteria
  • full details of the audit process and requirements
  • an example of the kind of feedback you could expect from an audit

Once you are happy that your organisation meets the six principles and the set criteria you can contact us to arrange a date for your audit.

Before the audit

You will be asked to provide documentation for review in advance including (where available):

  • Records of incidents e.g. trespass, bullying, criminal damage etc. or security reports
  • Security surveys undertaken
  • Other potential security records e.g. insurance claims, intruder alarm activations etc
  • Agenda's and minutes from meetings that relate to safety and security on the premises
  • Security policies, or guidelines you may have (e.g. anti-bullying policy)

Depending on the size of the organisation an online staff survey may also be undertaken in advance.

The assessor will ask for a full staff list from which they will select a cross section of staff to interview (either one to one or in focus groups) on the day of the audit. This will include:

  • The nominated person on the senior management team with responsibility for security
  • The designated person with responsibility for security
  • Security staff
  • Staff from across the organisation

A timetable will be drawn up for the day of the audit

The day of the Audit

The assessor will visit the site and interview the selected staff in order to see how you meet the principles. It is essential that everyone is available on the day of the audit according to the agreed schedule. If there are changes to the schedule on the day of the audit, which are out of the control of the auditor and it is not possible to complete the audit according to the schedule, the organisation will be liable for the extra costs which would be needed to complete the audit.

The time taken to carry out the audit will depend on the number of people in the organisation, however it is organised to cause the least disruption to you and your staff.

After the Audit

Following the audit you will receive a feedback report specific to your organisation, this will tell you how you performed against each of the set criteria and identify areas for improvement. Should you be successful you will be awarded with a certificate and you can use the Secured Environments logo; you can also purchase a plaque for your building.

Ready to register, or want to find out more? Call us on 01892 538690 or email


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